
October 2021

First United Methodist Church of Athens, Georgia, is home to the newest instrument by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., of Warrensburg, Missouri. The four-manual, 68-rank pipe organ, Opus 77, was created through the collaboration of Michael Quimby…
Muller Pipe Organ Company, Croton, Ohio Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Columbus, Ohio Muller Pipe Organ Company has installed a new two-manual, twenty-two-rank organ at Saint Patrick Catholic Church in Columbus, Ohio. The instrument…
Editor’s note: the first part of this series appeared in the September 2021 issue of The Diapason, pages 14–21. RELATED: Part 1 This article illuminates a unique collection of drawings depicting ten organ façade designs dating from the…
Italian organist and composer Paolo La Rosa is always exploring music with different points of view. After his studies in organ, choral conducting, improvisation, and composition at the “G. Verdi” Conservatory in Milan and the “L. Marenzio…
A restoration story A couple months ago, I wrote in these pages about Fritz Noack, the pioneering builder of mechanical-action pipe organs who learned the trade working for great European firms and came to the United States to build more…
Chicago Botanic Garden's Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon The Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon stands in the idyllic location of the Chicago Botanic Garden, in the suburb of Glencoe, perfectly suited to engage and accommodate their…
The Ninth Mae and Irving Jurow International Harpsichord Competition The Ninth Mae and Irving Jurow International Harpsichord Competition, sponsored by the Historical Keyboard Society of North America, was held August 4–7 in St. Paul,…
Edith June Ho Edith June Ho, 88, died July 30. Born in 1932 in China and raised in Hong Kong and Singapore, early on she set her sights on emigration to the United States. She earned money for the journey playing piano recitals throughout…