Greg Zelek (photo credit: Peter Rodgers) Doing things a little differently: An interview with Greg Zelek
The new tower for the Metz Bicentennial Carillon. Rebirth and enlargement of a great carillon: Indiana University
Inscription by Stephen Kinsley, tonal director, for E. & G. G. Hook and voicer of the Stoneham Organ (photo credit: John Bishop) In the Wind: On the Hook
The front page of the November 1, 1922 issue of The Diapason Ernest M. Skinner in Chicago, Part 2: Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church, Evanston
Möller roll-punching machine at Kegg Pipe Organ Builders (photo credit: John Bishop) In the Wind: On the road again
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ft. Pierce, FL Cover Feature: Schlueter, St. Andrew's Episcopal, Ft. Pierce, FL
Colin MacKnight Proportional relationships in Bach’s Die Kunst der Fuge and the intended duration of Contrapunctus XIV