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Pro Organ radio series

Frederick Hohman at the Van Daalen organ, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, 1978 (photo credit: Mark Hobson)
Frederick Hohman at the Van Daalen organ, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, 1978 (photo credit: Mark Hobson)

Frederick Hohman served as organist, host, and producer of a weekly radio series between 1976 and 1979, Pro Organo. The half-hour program was syndicated in the United States to 24 affiliates with National Public Radio. After production on the radio series concluded, the series name Pro Organo was adopted by Hohman as the trade name of his recording label, founded in 1984. 

The Pro Organo radio series had a run of 25 episodes; all but a few of these featured the 1970 Schlicker organ at First Lutheran Church, Lyons, New York. The series was digitally remastered in 2006, and all episodes are now posted to the Pro Organo channel at, where they may be streamed free of charge. 

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