
Jared Johnson to Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

June 2, 2023
Jared Johnson
Jared Johnson

Jared Johnson is appointed canon director for music, Grace Episcopal Cathedral, San Francisco, California, effective July 1. He will direct all aspects of the cathedral’s music programs and serve as a member of the cathedral chapter.

Johnson leaves Columbia, South Carolina, where he has served as canon organist and choirmaster of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral since 2003. He directs the Cathedral Choristers, which features choirs for boys, girls, and young men. He was music director for the Royal School of Church Music Carolina Course at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, in 2019, and he will serve as music director of the St. Thomas Girl Chorister Course this summer. He has performed organ recitals in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. His recordings appear on the Pro Organo and JAV labels. Johnson helped establish the Cathedral Music School for underserved students at Trinity Cathedral.

Johnson is a graduate of Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, Ohio, with degrees in English and organ performance. After graduation, he received a Watson Fellowship for conducting in London, UK. He earned master’s and doctoral degrees from Yale University.

For further information: gracecathedral.org.


Other recent appointments:

Jennaya Robinson to National Lutheran Choir

Christopher Jacobson to Dallas, Texas

Jared Johnson to San Francisco, California