
New Organs

January 16, 2003

Fabry Pipe Organs, Inc., Fox Lake, Illinois, has completed the final phase of a three-phase renovation of the organ at St. John's Episcopal Church, Sturgis, Michigan. Originally built by Wicks as a two chambered, four division instrument, the organ comprises 31 ranks on three manuals and pedal. Phase I included re-leathering of all wind supply reservoir units, the addition of electric tremolo units, and solid state expression systems. Phase II included solid state conversion of the console combination action, coupler relay, manual and pedal contacts, all chamber relays, and refinishing the console shell. For Phase III, the congregation decided on some exposed pipework. John Gouwens of Culver Military Academy was the consultant. The project included exposing the entire Great Principal chorus on a new chest; adding to the Choir a new 8' Harmonic Trumpet on existing chest holes; moving the original Great III Mixture to the Swell; installing a new exposed Great III Mixture; and making several console stop wiring changes. New Great chestwork was designed and built by Swartzendruber Hardwood Creations of Goshen, Indiana. Mrs. Ruth Lahmeyer is the church's organist and director of music; Father William Murphy is the rector of the parish. John Gouwens played the dedication recital. (Photo from Natural Images by Terry.)




                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Rohrflote

                  8'             Harmonic Flute (Ch)

                  4'             Octave

                  4'             Gedeckt

                  2'             Fifteenth

                  III            Mixture (new)

                  8'             Harmonic Trumpet (new, Ch)

                  8'             Trumpet (Sw)

                  8'             Clarinet (Ch)


                  8'             Harmonic Flute                

                  8'             Gemshorn

                  8'             Gemshorn Celeste (TC)

                  4'             Spitz Principal

                  4'             Rohrflote

                  4'             Gemshorn

                  22/3'     Nazard

                  2'             Harmonic Piccolo (ext 8')

                  13/5'     Tierce

                  11/3'     Larigot (from 22/3')

                  8'             Clarinet

                  8'             Harmonic Trumpet (new)


                  16'          Lieblich Gedeckt

                  8'             Open Diapason

                  8'             Stopped Diapason

                  8'             Salicional

                  8'             Voix Celeste (TC)

                  4'             Octave (ext)     

                  4'             Koppelflote

                  22/3'     Nazard

                  2'             Flautino (from 16')

                  III            Zimbel

                  8'             Trumpet

                  8'             Oboe

                  4'             Oboe Clarion (ext)


                  16'          Open Diapason

                  16'          Bourdon

                  16'          Gemshorn

                  16'          Lieblich Gedeckt

                  8'             Octave

                  8'             Bourdon

                  8'             Lieblich Gedeckt

                  4'             Wald Flute

                  16'          Fagotto

                  8'             Fagotto


Phil Parkey & Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, has built a new organ for Milford Hills United Methodist Church in Salisbury, North Carolina. The church's organ committee first contacted Parkey in 1995. The proposal was for a 2-manual, 17-rank instrument with select unification and duplexing. Scales were to be generous and proportioned to the room. Within the format, influences of French, German, and English schools of design were well defined. The Swell division was designed for choral accompaniment with flexibility to serve as an enclosed Positiv. The installation was completed on May 7, 1999.

The organ is placed on the center axis of the room. The chamber space was designed for maximum tonal egress with angled walls for proper sound focus in the room. The choir loft received acoustical enhancements for improved projection of both the choir and the organ. With these improvements, the spoken voice can be heard clearly without the aid of amplification.

Manual keyboards have bone naturals and rosewood sharps with tracker touch. The console interior is burled maple with rosewood drawknobs and tilting tablets. The capture combination action supports 50 levels of memory and programmable sforzando and crescendo. The console is also equipped with MIDI in/out/thru.

This is the first new Opus under the name Phil Parkey & Associates, and is number 30 of which I have participated in design, installation, and tonal finishing. John Richardson played the first services and an inaugural concert on May 16, 1999.

—Phil Parkey



                  16'          Rohrgedeckt

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Gedeckt

                  8'             Viola

                  8'             Viola Celeste

                  4'             Octave

                  4'             Koppelflote

                  2'             Waldflote

                  2'             Mixture II-IV

                  8'             Trompette



                  16'          Rohrgedeckt

                  8'             Rohrflote

                  8'             Viola

                  8'             Viola Celeste

                  4'             Spitz Principal

                  4'             Flute

                  22/3'     Nazard

                  2'             Spitz Octave

                  13/5'     Tierce

                  11/3'     Quintflote

                  16'          Basson

                  8'             Trompette

                  8'             Hautbois


                                    Sw 16-UO-4


                  32'          Untersatz

                  16'          Subbass

                  16'          Rohrgedeckt

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Rohrflote

                  4'             Choral Bass

                  4'             Flute

                  22/3'     Mixture III-IV

                  16'          Basson

                  8'             Trompette

                  4'             Hautbois


Reynolds Associates Organ Services, Inc., Marion, Indiana, has completed the restoration of the Kimball/Casavant organ at Zion Evangelical UCC in Indianapolis. The organ was built in 1933 for Kimball Recital Hall in Chicago. It was purchased by Zion and installed in the church in 1940 by Kimball. In 1955, the instrument was enlarged with the addition of an antiphonal division which included a horizontal fanfare trumpet. Small additions in subsequent years brought the organ to 63 ranks.

In the current project, emphasis was placed on tonal and mechanical restoration. Apart from a few additions, the original tonal structure of the organ was preserved. Over a period of eight months, the organ was completely disassembled and restored. Windchests, reservoirs, tremulants, and expression actions were releathered and mechanically restored. Action leaks which had made the action sluggish were repaired and sealed with new gasketing. The entire instrument was reassembled, winded, and tested.

Although the pipework was in generally excellent condition, minor damage to some of the metal pipes was repaired. Changes that had been made to the scales of some stops, especially the mixtures, were reversed, restoring the original sound. The leather packing on the stoppers of all the wood pipes was replaced. Extensive work was done on the reeds, especially the Antiphonal Trompette en Chamade, which was completely revoiced with new French reeds. Visible pipes in the Antiphonal were refinished, and two of the Antiphonal windchests were replaced.

In the four-manual console, all the internal workings except the manual keyboards and the pedalboard were replaced. The ivory coverings on the manual keys were polished, and new sharp caps of solid ebony were installed. The interior stop jambs were replaced with new jambs of solid cherry. New drawknobs of rosewood, as well as rosewood pedal caps, were installed, along with a new music desk and lighting. The electrical switching systems were replaced with new solid state actions, and the organ completely rewired.

The rededication recital was played by Michael Murray on November 21, 1999.

—Thaddeus B. Reynolds



                  16'          Spitzflöte

                  8'             First Diapason

                  8'             Second Diapason

                  8'             Harmonic Flute

                  8'             Gemshorn

                  4'             Octave

                  4'             Harmonic Flute

                  22/3'     Octave Quinte

                  2'             Super Octave

                  IV            Fourniture

                  8'             Trumpet (Ch)

                  4'             Clarion (Ch)

                  8'             Harp (Ch)

                  4'             Celesta (Ch)



                                    Gt/Gt 4

                                    Sw/Gt 16-8-4

                                    Ch/Gt 16-8-4

                                    Ant/Gt 8-4


                  16'          Echo Lieblich

                  8'             Geigen Diapason

                  8'             Rohr Flöte

                  8'             Salicional

                  8'             Voix Celeste

                  8'             Erzahler

                  8'             Erzaler Celeste

                  4'             Octave Geigen

                  4'             Traverse Flute

                  22/3'     Twelfth

                  2'             Fifteenth

                  2'             Blockflote2

                  13/5'     Tierce2

                  III            Plein Jeu

                  16'          Contra Fagotto

                  8'             Trompete

                  8'             Oboe

                  8'             Rohr Schalmei1

                  8'             Vox Humana

                  4'             Clarion

                  8'             Harp (Ch)

                  4'             Celesta (Ch)


                                    Sw 16-UO-4

                                    Ant/Sw 8

                                    Ch/Sw 8


                  8'             English Diapason

                  8'             Concert Flute

                  8'             Dulciana

                  8'             Unda Maris

                  4'             Principal2

                  4'             Lieblich Flöte

                  22/3'     Nasat

                  2'             Octave2 (ext 4')

                  8'             Trumpet

                  8'             French Horn

                  8'             English Horn

                  8'             Clarinet

                  4'             Clarion (ext)

                  8'             Harp

                  4'             Celesta (ext)



                                    Ch 16-UO-4

                                    Sw/Ch 16-8-4

                                    Ant/Ch 8


                  32'          Acoustic Bass (resultant)

                  16'          Open Diapason

                  16'          Bourdon

                  16'          Spitzflöte (Gt)

                  16'          Echo Lieblich (Sw)

                  16'          Violone

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Flute (ext)

                  8'             Spitzflöte (Gt)

                  8'             Still Gedackt (Sw)

                  8'             Cello (ext)

                  4'             Choral Bass

                  4'             Flute (ext)

                  2'             Super Octave2 (Ch)

                  II              Rauschpfeife1

                  16'          Trombone (Ch)

                  16'          Contra Fagotto (Sw)

                  8'             Trumpet (Ch)

                  4'             Clarion (Ch)

                  4'             Rohr Schalmei1 (Sw)

                                    Sw/Ped 8-4

                                    Gt/Ped 8-4

                                    Ch/Ped 8-4


                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Bourdon2

                  4'             Montre

                  4'             Flute à Cheminée2 (ext)

                  2'             Flautino2 (ext)

                  11/3'     Larigot1

                  IV            Fourniture

                  II              Sesquialtera1

                  8'             Trompette en Chamade


1. Indicates additions by Bertorelli/ Flannigan, circa 1960.

2. Indicates additions by Reynolds Associates, Inc., 1999.

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