First Baptist Church, Ocala, Florida
The Wicks Organ Co., Highland, Illinois, Opus 6382
In 1992, First Baptist Church of Ocala, Florida began a process of rebirth after a fire claimed all they had: furnishings, libraries, a concert grand piano, a Skinner pipe organ, choir robes, hymnals and Bibles. The congregation built a new 2,800-seat facility, which is one of the largest churches in Ocala. The final step of their rebuilding process was bringing a pipe organ into the new building.
David Kocsis, Wicks Area Sales Director writes:
Among the unique features of this project, the organ was to be a gift from a non-member--but one whose daughter and son-in-law were members. Secondly, the church provided a single sheet outlining their requirements for this instrument. The organ was to be a "supplemental" instrument, used mostly to enhance the 25-piece orchestra and 180-voice choir. It would also, upon occasion, be used as a recital instrument. They wanted an instrument of the "American Classic" school with the following characteristics incorporated: four-manual drawknob console; multiple Principal choruses; plentiful and opulent strings; a variety of flute choruses and solo stops; reeds to complement the overall instrument and offer solo opportunities; a Pedal division that offers strong, solid underpinning with at least two 32’ stops; a Trompette-en-Chamade of polished copper with flared bells; exposed pipework across entire chamber area (52 ft.) to eliminate existing latticework and grillwork; preparation on console for Chimes and Zimbelstern; MIDI capability.
Our proposal was for an instrument of 74 pipe ranks over five divisions with an additional four 32-foot computer-generated stops in the Pedal division, using the Walker Paradox system. The plan also called for (at the direction of the church) preparations for an 11-rank Solo division, and a 9-rank Antiphonal division.
We decided early on that Daniel Angerstein would tonally finish the instrument. Although First Baptist, Ocala was not a bad room, the irregular shape and carpeting did not make it acoustically live, either. Our factory-trained technician in Florida, Mr. Robert Campbell, would handle the installation.
The specification for the instrument was a joint venture design involving Area Director David Kocsis, his associate Herb Ridgely, and voicer Dan Angerstein. After the contract was signed in late November, 1998, the three members of the design team met at the church to study the acoustics, room layout, chamber space, etc., so that detailed design work could begin. On the drive back to Atlanta, the pipe scales for the organ were discussed and finalized. The entire organ would be on 5" wind pressure with the notable exception of the Trompette-en-Chamade, which was to be on 10" wind pressure, and the Choir division English Tuba on 12". In order to "ring" the room, the Great 8' Principal would be built to a 40 scale, and the Great 8' Montre a 42 scale. One of the features of the design is the placement of the lowest pipes of the Pedal 16' Open Wood in the organ facade, stained to match the rest of the woodwork in the sanctuary. This placement allows the most profound of 16-foot foundation tone immediate access to the room. Of particular interest in the Walker system designed for this organ is that the computer-generated harp in the Choir can also be used with the Tremulant, providing a vibraharp sound.
There are several ancillary console controls that enhance ease of playing such a massive console, and also add facility to the instrument. These include: Pedal, Solo and Swell Melody couplers to the Great, all Swells to Swell, all Mixtures Off, all 32's Off, All Reeds Off, and All Celestes Off. To allow maximum visibility and eye contact between the organist and the minister of music, all inter-manual couplers were placed in the stop jambs, rather than on a coupler rail. This resulted in a console somewhat wider than normal (slightly over 8 feet). There are eight divisional pistons and 15 General pistons with 32 levels of memory. A 13-position transposer is included. The main body of the casework is painted semi-gloss off white, again matching the main color in the sanctuary. The whole idea was to give the impression that the building and the organ had been conceived as an integral whole.
The first of two truckloads of pipe organ arrived in Ocala on March 22, 2000, and the second truck arrived on April 12. Installation was completed on June 3 and voicing of the instrument in the room began on June 5. The logistical problems associated with installing a large pipe organ are many. The crew faced a 52-foot facade that begins 12' above the top choir riser and extends upward to accommodate full length 16-foot metal Principals and full length 16-foot Open Wood pipes. Bob Campbell's crew had scaffolding from floor to ceiling that would cover one of the four sections, and it took a considerable amount of careful planning to insure that all work was completed on one bay before tearing down the scaffolding and moving it to the next location.
From the beginning of the installation, the entire organ facade was covered every Sunday during church services so that the completed installation could be unveiled at one time. This occasion occurred on Sunday, June 4, 2000. The Sanctuary was dimly lit, and at the appropriate time, the entire organ facade was lit by a battery of specially placed lighting. This was only the prelude--the organ was heard for the first time by the congregation on July 2.
We at Wicks thank the committee and staff of first Baptist Church of Ocala for placing their trust in us to build an instrument according to their wishes. In particular, we would like to thank Dr. Ed Johnson, Sr. Pastor; Mr. Terry Williams, Minister of Music; and Mr. Larry Kerner, Chair of the Organ Committee. The entire congregation placed its confidence in us from the outset, and was extremely helpful from the beginning of the detailed design process through the installation. Several members of the church also volunteered their time and talents to help with the installation, especially with fitting and trimming of the facade to accommodate slight building irregularities. This really was a "team" effort, and everyone should be very proud of the results.
The dedication of the new IV/74 instrument at the First Baptist Church of Ocala, FL will be held on Sunday, September 24, 2000, featuring John Weaver, organ chair at The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and The Julliard School of Music in New York City.
1. 16' Montre
2. 16' Bourdon
3. 8' Principal
4. 8' Montre (from #1)
5. 8' Flute Couverte
6. 8' Flute Harmonique
7. 4' Octave
8. 8' Gemshorn
9. 4' Nachthorn
10. 22/3' Twelfth
11. 2' Fifteenth
12. 2' Hohlflute (from #6)
13. 13/5' Seventeenth
14. IV-V Fourniture
15. IV Cymbale
16. 16' Kontra Trompete (from #17)
17. 8' Trompete
18. 8' Trompete en Chamade (10≤ w.p.)
19. Tremulant (Flutes)
20. Chimes [D]
21. Zimbelstern
22. Pedal Bass Coupler to Great
23. Swell Melody Coupler to Great
24. Solo Melody Coupler to Great
25. MIDI on Great
SWELL (Enclosed)
26. 16' Bourdon Doux
27. 8' Geigen Principal
28. 8' Rohrflute (from #26)
29. 8' Viola Pomposa
30. 8' Viola Celeste
31. 8' Flauto Dolce
32. 8' Dolce Celeste TC
33. 4' Prestant
34. 4' Flauto Traverso
35. 22/3' Nazard
36. 2' Quarte de Nazard
37. 13/5' Tierce
38. IV-V Plein Jeu
39. III-IV Cymbale
40. 16' Contre Trompette
41. 8' Trompette
42. 8' Oboe
43. 8' Vox Humana
44. 4' Clairon (from #40)
45. 8' English Tuba (Ch)
46. 8' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
47. Tremulant
48. MIDI On Swell
CHOIR (Enclosed)
49. 16' Gemshorn [D]
50. 8' English Diapason
51. 8' Flute Ouverte
52. 8' Gemshorn
53. 8' Gemshorn Celeste TC
54. 4' Principal
55. 4' Koppelflute
56. 2' Principal
57. 11/3' Larigot
58. 1' Principal (from #56)
59. II Sesquialtera
60. IV-V Scharf
61. 16' Dulzian (from #62)
62. 8' Cromorne
63. 4' Rohr Schalmei
64. 16' English Tuba TC (from #65)
65. 8' English Tuba (12≤ w.p.)
66. 8' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
67. 8' Harp [D]
68. 4' Harp Celesta [D]
69. Tremulant
70. MIDI On Choir
SOLO (Enclosed)
15 Prepared Stops
71. 16' Trompette en Chamade TC (Gt)
72. 8' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
73. 4' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
74. 16' English Tuba TC (Ch)
75. 8' English Tuba (Ch)
76. 4' English Tuba (Ch)
77. MIDI On Solo
12 Prepared Stops
1 Prepared Stop
78. 32' Contra Principal [D]
79. 32' Contra Bourdon [D]
80. 16' Open Wood
81. 16' Bourdon
82. 16' Principal
83. 16' Montre (Gt)
84. 16' Bourdon Doux (Sw)
85. 16' Gemshorn (Ch)
86. 8' Octave
87. 8' Major Bass (from #80)
88. 8' Bourdon (from #81)
89. 8' Viola (Sw)
90. 8' Open Flute (Ch)
91. 62/5' Gross Terz (Gt)
92. 51/3' Gross Quinte (Gt)
93. 4' Choral Bass
94. 4' Cantus Flute
95. 2' Flute (from #94)
96. IV Grave Mixture
97. IV Acuta
98. 32' Contra Bombarde [D]
99. 32' Contra Fagotto [D]
100. 32' Cornet des Bombardes IV
101. 16' Bombarde
102. 16' Contre Trompette (Sw)
103. 16' Kontra Trompete (Gt)
104. 16' Dulzian (Ch)
105. 8' Trompette
106. 8' Trompete (Gt)
107. 8' Oboe (Sw)
108. 4' Bombarde Clarion (from #101)
109. 4' Oboe (Sw)
110. 4' Schalmei (Ch)
111. 8' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
112. 8' English Tuba (Ch)
113. Chimes (Gt)
[D] = Digital Ranks
Sw/Gt 16 8 4
Ch/Gt 16 8 4
So/Gt 16 8 4
Ant on Gt
So/Sw 16 8 4
Ant on Sw
Sw/Ch 16 8 4
So/Ch 16 8 4
Ant on Ch
Ant on So
Gt 16 UO
Sw 16 UO 4
Ch 16 UO 4
So 16 UO 4
Ant UO 4
Gt/Ped 8 4
Sw/Ped 8 4
Ch/Ped 8 4
So/Ped 8 4
Ant/Ped 8
Charles M. Ruggles, Conifer, Colorado, has built a new organ for The Randolph Church, Randolph, New Hampshire. The organ is designed on classic models typical of instruments found in New England and European churches; two manuals and pedal, mechanical action. Its structural and tonal characteristics make it suitable for the needs of The Randolph Church--for service playing, accompanying congregational singing, and playing a wide segment of standard organ literature. The case features cherry wood frame, redwood panels, and walnut trim. The Rohrflöte 8 and Octave 2 are common between the two manuals; the Bourdon 16 is an extension of the Bourdon 8. Manual compass 56 notes, pedal compass 30 notes; standard AGO pedalboard. Couplers, operated by foot levers, include Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, and Swell to Great.
8' Principal
8' Rohrflöte
4' Octave
2' Octave
Sesquialtera II (from middle c)
8' Rohrflöte
8' Gamba (tenor C)
4' Flute
2' Octave
8' Dulcian
16' Bourdon
8' Bourdon
B. Rule & Company, New Market, Tennessee, has rebuilt and installed a Hook & Hastings organ for Covenant Baptist Church, Houston, Texas. Built by Hook & Hastings in 1893 for First Baptist Church of Georgetown, Kentucky, the organ was removed from this church in 1963. It was owned for many years by David Bottom, of Lexington, Kentucky, who set it up in several different locations before carefully putting it in storage several years ago. B. Rule recommended the organ to Covenant Baptist Church, who bought it from David Bottom. Compass: 58/27.
B. Rule & Co. rebuilt the organ, including a complete rebuild of the chests and bellows and re-covering the manual keys with bone. The hand-pumping mechanism was also restored. Two changes were made: the Dulciana was replaced with a 2' Fifteenth, and the Oboe was extended to full compass from its previous tenor C status.
The small new sanctuary has a concrete floor and live acoustics, creating an environment which encourages congregational singing. The acoustical consultant was Charles Boner. The organist of the church is Carl McAliley, who played a joint dedication recital with Bruce Power on March 4.
8' Open Diapason
8' Melodia
4' Octave
2' Fifteenth
8' Stopped Diapason
8' Viola (1-12 from St. Diap)
4' Harmonic Flute
8' Oboe
16' Bourdon
Sw/Gt Octaves
Blower Signal