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The Diapason April 2019 Newsletter

In the April issue, Cicely Winter reports on the Twelfth International Organ and Early Music Festival of Oaxaca, Mexico. Sarah Mahler Kraaz reviews a new William Abright score, Whistler (1834–1903): Three Nocturnes. And Eva Moreda reports on the first International Late Medieval and Renaissance Music Course of San Marino. 

In “Harpsichord Notes,” Larry Palmer reprises various front-cover features of the harpsichord in the history of The Diapason. John Bishop, in “In the Wind . . .,” writes about early electro-pneumatic action organs and their elaborate switching systems. In “On Teaching,” Gavin Black begins a discussion of listening to music.

Our cover feature showcases the program of organ studies at the American Organ Institute of the University of Oklahoma at Norman. In “Organ Projects,” we learn about a Wicks organ that has a new life in a church in Ohio.

This eNews is sponsored by The Organ Historical Society and Paraclete Press.

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