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January 2009

Ken Cowan plays the Quimby Pipe Organ at First Baptist, Jackson; Art of the Symphonic Organist, Vol. 4. JAV Recordings, JAV 169; www.pipeorgancds.com. Wagner, Overture from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg; Saint-Saëns, Danse macabre; Karg-…
Louis Vierne: Second Symphony for Organ. Christopher Houlihan, organist, at the Trinity College Chapel, Hartford, Connecticut. Towerhill Recordings TH-72018, $19.95 www.towerhill-recordings.com. Here is a recording by a young musician,…
Schoenstein & Co. Organ Builders, Benicia, California Grace Episcopal Church, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Founded in 1847, Grace Episcopal Church, an Anglo-Catholic parish, has had a distinguished musical history for over 130 years. The first…
Bedient Pipe Organ Company, Roca, Nebraska, Opus 81 First Congregational Church, Sioux Falls, South DakotaAs organbuilding and organ performance evolve in the beginning of the 21st century, as financial resources of churches are often…
At the time that I joined the Möller New York City maintenance staff in 1955, the Rev. Dr. Hugh Giles concert series at Central Presbyterian Church (Park Avenue at 64th Street) was a major factor in the city’s music scene. Its centerpiece…
American harpsichord maker William Richmond Dowd and his business partner Frank Hubbard set new directions for the modern harpsichord revival with their gradual return to the historic construction principles of fine harpsichord making.…
Any organ professor who speaks honestly would not deny that, when teachers and students engage, it is in fact the teacher who learns as much as the student, whether that engagement is by regular weekly lessons or by way of a jury-…
Repeated notes The playing of repeated notes on organ and harpsichord has always been an issue unto itself. If two notes in a row are the same, they cannot be treated like two notes in a row that are not the same. The reason for this is…
revolution: n. 1a. Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution around the sun. b. A turning or rotational motion about an axis. c. A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial…
Jeanie Little Castle died on September 9 in Mechanicsville, Virginia, at the age of 65. A graduate of Lynchburg College and Indiana University, she held a doctorate in organ literature and pedagogy from the University of Iowa, and did…