The Second International Feith Organ Competition occurred August 14–16 in the Schlosskirche of Blieskastel, Germany, on the three-manual 2019 Johannes Klais organ. Competitors performed works by Alain, Bach, Brahms, Theo Brandmüller, Buxtehude, Duruflé, Heiller, and Mendelssohn.
The competition winner was Jannik Schroeder of Germany, awarded a €6,000 prize; second prize, €3,000, was presented to Filip Šmerda of the Czech Republic; third prize, €1,500, went to Lennart Pries of Germany.
The jury consisted of Claudia Rode (Germany), Jörg Abbing (Germany), Christian von Blohn (Germany), Jean-Baptiste Monnot (France), and Isabelle Demers (Canada).
For information: feith-orgelwettbewerb.org.
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