
Colin Lynch appointed director of music and organist, Trinity Church, Copley Square

March 20, 2023
Colin Lynch
Colin Lynch

Colin Lynch is appointed director of music and organist for Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, Massachusetts. He will oversee and lead all aspects of the music program. He directs Trinity Choirs and Choristers, who sing for all services including weekly Evensong, choir tours, and a concert series.  “Fridays at Trinity” is a recital series that features Trinity’s tonally restored 1926 Skinner organ.

Succeeding Richard Webster in this role, Lynch has previously served as associate director of music at Trinity Church and director of chapel music at St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. He maintains a performance career and has been a featured performer at national conventions and conferences of the American Guild of Organists, the Organ Historical Society, the Royal School of Church Music, and the Association of Anglican Musicians.

Lynch has been a guest organist and conductor at several summer courses, including the Royal School of Church Music and the Mississippi Conference on Church Music and Liturgy. For several years, he managed the Massachusetts Boy Choir Course, the longest running course of its kind in North America. He has taught for the Young Organists Collaborative and has served on the faculty of the Oberlin Summer Organ Academy, the Eton Choral Course in England, and was director of the New Hampshire Pipe Organ Encounter in 2008.

Colin Lynch holds degrees from Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, Ohio; Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; and Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, where his teachers have included Thomas Murray, James David Christie, Olivier Latry, and Douglas Cleveland. His debut solo album, The Organ of Stambaugh Auditorium, is available on the Raven label. Colin Lynch is represented by Concert Artist Cooperative.

For information: colinlynchorgan.com.


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