
The Church Musicians Workshop

January 21, 2016

The Church Musicians Workshop, an intensive five-day residential program, will be held at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Nashotah, WI,  from June 13–17, 2016. Faculty includes Father Alexander R. Pryor, Canon Joseph A. Kucharski, Lee Erickson, and R. Benjamin Dobey.

The workshop will include lectures, seminars, and masterclasses on topics of interest to church musicians, pastors, and worship leaders. Instruction is customized for various ability levels, and ample opportunity for practice and performance will be provided at several area venues. Additional options include individual lessons as well as a guided church tour and organ crawl through the historic churches of downtown Milwaukee on June 18.

For information and registration, visit churchmusiciansworkshop.org or contact Father Pryor at [email protected] or 262/565-6152.