
American Center of Church Music contest and seminar

August 3, 2021
Karl Wilhelm Opus 97
Karl Wilhelm Opus 97

The American Center of Church Music announces its first annual composition contest and seminar, open to composers of any age. Participants will register for an online seminar on composing for the organ, since each of the contest categories will focus on new organ music. Pieces of any length will be considered, with preference given to submissions that are ten minutes or less in length. Submissions must be unpublished and fit one of three categories: hymn or spiritual song, chorale prelude, or general service music. Preference will be given to pieces that could be used in a church service and that use the organ, such as preludes, postludes, offertories, or solos.

The online seminar will be geared toward those familiar and unfamiliar with organ composition and will take place January 8, 2022, with panelists David Cherwien, Timothy Tikker, Graeme Shields, and Tyler Pimm.

The deadline to register for the online seminar is January 7, 2022. The deadline to submit a composition is April 24, 2022.

First prize is $500; second prize is $250. Both prizes will come with public premieres of the works.

For information: americancenterofchurchmusic.org.


Other competition news:

Canadian International Organ Competition partnership

Leuven, Belgium, carillon competition

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