
New Organs

September 30, 2011

David Petty & Associates,
Eugene, Oregon
Seattle University,
Seattle, Washington

David Petty & Associates of Eugene, Oregon have recently delivered their Opus 5 to St. Ignatius Chapel at Seattle University. The organ contains four stops, all made of wood. The 8′ Gedackt and 4′ Spitzprincipal are quarter-sawn white oak, the Nasard is cherry, and the 2′ Principal is made of purpleheart, for tonal and visual reasons. The entire case, blower box, bench, and carvings are of quartered white oak. The carvings were designed and executed by Mark Andrew, a local colleague of the builder, in cooperation with the organ committee of St. Ignatius Chapel. The carvings complement the architectural lines of the modern chapel. The organ is used daily for devotions and Masses and complements the existing Steinway grand piano.
Readers are invited to visit the builder’s site (www.davidpettyorgans.com) to view color photographs of the instrument under construction.

8′ Gedackt
4′ Spitzprincipal
22⁄3′ Nasard
2′ Principal

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