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Nelson Reed Organ

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Nelson Reed Organ

Nelson Reed Organ
•    Manufactured by Nelson in 1887
•    Excellent condition; fully restored mechanism and cabinet
•    Dimensions: 47” wide x 22” depth x 76.5” height; approx. 300lbs weight
•    Ten mechanical stops: diapason, dulcet, bass coupler, diapason forte, tremolo, flute forte, treble coupler, echo horn, melodia and celeste
•    One manual with pedal boards to play lower octaves
•    Ivory keys
•    Wood: antique walnut
•    Music stand opens to reveal large two-shelf compartment for music storage
•    Top half detaches for easier transportation
•    Includes original performer stool
•    Located in Seattle area
•    $1,000 or best offer

206/696-4145, voicemail and text 

[email protected]

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