
1910 J. W. Steere and Son Organ

October 14, 2014


1910 J. W. Steere and Son Organ. Two manuals, seven ranks, tracker action for the manuals. Great and Swell enclosed except Diapason. Playing façade pipes not installed. 30-note pedal board—radiating but not concave. Pneumatic action. Blower.

Great stoplist:
4’ Gemshorn
8’ Melodia
8’ Stopped Diapason
8’ Dulciana
8’ Open Diapason


Swell stoplist:
4’ Violin
8’ Stopped Diapason
8’ Salicional

16’ Bourdon

Couplers:  Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Great to Swell

The instrument was removed from the Church of the Risen Savior in Rockville, CT. It was originally installed in the church in 1910. It was removed from the church by the current owner about 23 years ago and installed in a private residence in Syracuse, NY. The church retained the casework and the non-working façade pipes. The working façade pipes went with the organ. No alterations were made to the instrument in order to install it in the house

Installation and repair work included cleaning and general repairs to the instrument. All the trackers were replaced with metal rods and fittings. The primary was releathered as was the pedal chest. Slider repairs were also made. The organ is now playing but does need some attention and tuning. 8’3” wide and 11’ 2” deep. It fits under a 12’ ceiling.  Asking $7,000                                   

Contact:  Douglas Reicher
[email protected]
315/506-9005  cell

Contact Info

Company / Name: Douglas Reicher
Phone: 315/506-9005