
University of Michigan conference

August 26, 2013

The University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance presents its 53rd annual Conference on Organ Music, September 29–October 1. The conference will celebrate Marilyn Mason’s 66 years of teaching at U-M, as she moves into retirement.

Presenters include Michael Barone, James Hammann, Stephen Warner, and Tom Trenney; lecture-demonstrations by James Kibbie and Marilyn Mason, each with their students from this past year; a celebration dinner for Dr. Mason; and a concert with four former Mason students. Concerts take place on the Fisk organ in the Blanche Anderson Moore Organ Recital Hall, the Karl Wilhelm organ at the First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor, and Hill Auditorium. A special event entitled “Lunch in the Heights” includes a tour of the Baird Carillon and box lunch at the top of Burton Memorial Tower.

The 2nd annual Organ Improvisation Competition takes place Tuesday, October 1, on the III/42 Schoenstein organ at the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor.

For information, contact Michele Johns at 734/846-3825.